Would you like to build a carport to park your car or even store your motor home? However, choosing the right size is not always easy and depends on several factors: the space available, the type of vehicle, the number of vehicles, the surroundings, etc. You can find the answers to all your questions here.

When planning a carport, it is important to think about the right size for your project. After all, it is a project that is made to last a lifetime and takes up a significant amount of space. So it's best not to get the dimensions wrong! When making your choice, we advise you to think about how you will use your carport, not just now, but also in the future. You may have only one car at the moment, but next year you may have two, three, or none at all. You might even change your car for a bigger one. So please plan a carport that will accommodate your future plans, as well as some other criteria:
- The dimensions of a carport are proportional to the volume of the vehicle.
- Allow at least one metre of space around the vehicle, to make it easier to open doors, manoeuvre, etc. This large space will allow you to store a spare pair of wheels, garden furniture, etc.
- Having space in front of and behind the car is also important
- Remember that you need a flat, preferably concreted area to install a carport. It should be at least as large as the carport's footprint.

Both lean-to and stand-alone carports generally have the following dimensions:
- Between 12 and 15m2
- Between 2.5 and 3 metres wide
- Approximately 5 metres long
When it comes to motor homes, there are two different types. Class two motor homes, with a height of between 2.5 and 3 metres and a maximum weight of 3.5 tonnes, and class three motor homes, with a height of more than 3 metres and a weight of more than 3.5 tonnes. We advise you to check the dimensions of your motor home, while ensuring that you leave enough space to open doors, manoeuvre in and out, etc.
Akena flat roof carports are available in sizes up to 8 x 5 x 3.2 m (WxDxH). They are made to measure and are perfect for any type of vehicle.

For two cars, as a general rule, you should double the dimension of a single-car carport, i.e.:
- Between 24 and 35 m2
- Between 5 and 6 metres wide
- Approximately 10 metres long
The same goes for two motor homes.

Depending on the footprint of your carport, you will need to follow certain administrative procedures. Please read our article about administrative procedures and authorisations.